How can an in home personal trainer in Norfolk and Suffolk help me to achieve my goals?

Transform your body & mind with in-home boxing training. Reach your goals with PMA Personal Training.

Have you decided that it’s time to shift the excess weight, which seems to have gradually crept up, but you hate gyms and can’t bear the thought of standing out in a fitness class? Do you find slimming classes and being weighed in front of a group of people a little embarrassing?

We have helped many clients with similar fears to achieve their health and fitness goals, against what seemed like insurmountable odds.

  • Lose weight and get fit in the comfort of your own home
  • Enjoy exercise for the first time with a variety of exciting and fun activities on offer including Boxercise, Yoga, Circuit training, Kettlebells and ViPR
  • Food diary analysis and advice on habit fixes and behavior change for long-term change
  • Tremendous increases in motivation and accountability compared with joining a gym or slimming class
  • Feel confident and attractive in yourself as your clothes feel looser
  • Many health benefits including lowered cholesterol, blood pressure, reduced risk of stroke and heart attack

Click ‘Read More’ below, to hear two amazing stories from our personal training clients!

Julie Osbon, 56 year old Psychotherapist and Mother of 2 tells her story

Julie was in a dilemma in 2014. After major back surgery, they advised her to lose weight, get fit and strengthen her core muscles.

“Ever since school, I always thought that I hated exercise. I now know that I feared it. Right from the start, Peter was positive that he would find activities for me to enjoy. With his understanding and constant encouragement, I have now stuck with my personal training sessions with him for 4 years and he has helped me to go from strength to strength. I look forward to our weekly Boxercise Speed Pads sessions, where we workout on focus pads. I get to practice my punching skills, without ever getting hit and it’s so much fun and a great stress buster, honestly you forget you are even exercising! I also tried Yoga and Kettlebells with Peter, both of which I enjoyed, but Boxercise is my favorite!”

How has Julie benefited from her in home personal training sessions?

“I have now lost weight, toned up and gained strength in my core muscles and I no longer suffer with back pain. I would encourage anybody who is looking to exercise, but has fears about it to go for it by contacting Peter at PMA Personal Training and begin home personal training. If it can work for me, it can work for anyone!”

How Tim Sutcliffe lost 7 stone in 2 1/2 years, despite having a respiratory condition

“I have a life-threatening lung disease, after working as a Baker and inhaling flour for many years and I need to have a lung transplant. Papworth Hospital will not operate on me until I reach 13 stone 10, because of complications of being overweight and having surgery.
I started personal training with Peter 2 1/2 years ago when I weighed 22 stone 5. I had originally been referred to a local gym for regular exercise but it intimated me at the prospect. Peter began a twice a week home exercise program with me and has advised me on weight control via changes to my diet.”

What have been the benefits to Tim through hiring PMA personal training?

“I have now lost over 7 stone and now weigh 14 stone 10. I really feel that I will be down to my target weight within the next 4 months and then I can be put on the waiting list to receive my lung transplant. Having regular weekly weigh-ins with Peter has certainly helped with my accountability and commitment to the all important diet side of things, to aid in weight loss.
Without Peter’s valuable help and patience, I really don’t think I would be here today. Trying to stay fit with this lung disease is really hard, but he keeps me on track. Giving up would be the easy option to take. Peter makes sure I stay motivated.
Home personal training makes sense, as I would never stick with a gym routine.
I highly recommend PMA Personal Training and Peter Azzopardi is your man”.

Is it time for you to lose weight, get fit and feel more attractive and confident?

contact us today and get your FREE 20 minutes consultation!