Are you struggling to reach your weight, health, and fitness goals? Have you tried many methods but have been unsuccessful? It’s time to consider a personalised approach! By hiring me, Peter Azzopardi, as your personal trainer and performance nutritionist in Suffolk and Norfolk, you’ll unlock a world of benefits. Whether you want to shed pounds […]

The ‘Fat but Fit’ Paradigm

Whilst there are tremendous benefits to being physically active, being overweight or obese still increases the risk of heart disease by 28%, compared with lean, metabolically healthy people. It’s why obesity is known as a ‘primary risk factor’ for the development of heart disease, independent of other risk factors. So even if other independent risk […]

Dietary Fibre Can Massively Benefit Your Health!

Fiber can help you lose weight and protect against certain cancers, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Find out how! Dietary fiber used to be known as roughage. It comprises the edible parts of plants that are not broken down and absorbed in the human gastrointestinal tract. Fiber comprises structural plant polysaccharides such as cellulose. [...]

‘My Transformation Journey And How I Can Help You To Lose Weight!’

  My Transformation Journey And How I Can Help You To Lose Weight! I'd never been overweight through eating and drinking too much 'crap'. I'd always hit the gym hard. I was eating all the 'right' stuff (as in non-processed, low sugar, nutrient-dense foods, minimal alcohol etc), just too much of it - around 1000 [...]

PMA’s 12 Steps To Losing Weight With Flexible Diet & Tracking Methods

Track your food intake using My Fitness Pal for 7-14 days. Ideally use the bar code scanner as there can be inaccuracies with most MFP numbers. If in doubt, use USDA or Supermarket data. When eating out in places that don’t give calories on their menus, search for alternatives on MFP such as Wetherspoons to [...]


When trying to stick with a weight-loss diet, one of the biggest barriers people face is not having the social support from friends and family. I’m sure you’ve been there, Saturday night comes around and you’ve been invited out for a meal and a few drinks. You’re trying to stick to your diet, yet the [...]

Weight-loss supplements – Do they live up to their claims?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could eat and drink whatever we want, not even think about creating a calorie deficit through watching our diet or exercising to burn more off energy and yet still magically lose weight (body fat) because of a ‘weight-loss supplement’? Just lately, I’ve come across a lot of local ‘For [...]