Dietary Fibre Can Massively Benefit Your Health!

Fiber can help you lose weight and protect against certain cancers, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Find out how! Dietary fiber used to be known as roughage. It comprises the edible parts of plants that are not broken down and absorbed in the human gastrointestinal tract. Fiber comprises structural plant polysaccharides such as cellulose. [...]

‘My Transformation Journey And How I Can Help You To Lose Weight!’

  My Transformation Journey And How I Can Help You To Lose Weight! I'd never been overweight through eating and drinking too much 'crap'. I'd always hit the gym hard. I was eating all the 'right' stuff (as in non-processed, low sugar, nutrient-dense foods, minimal alcohol etc), just too much of it - around 1000 [...]

Home Personal Training In Norfolk and Suffolk Can Cut The Risk Of Early Death By 46%. Contact Peter today!

  Lifting weights was traditionally seen as something only male bodybuilders did in gyms. Studies are now proving that weight training throughout the lifespan can have tremendous health benefits for men and women. A recent study reported in Men’s Health from Penn State College of Medicine stated that people aged 65 or over can decrease […]